Tickets on Sale:
1st October 2021, 09:00am
Group Bookings
Group Ticket bookings will opening soon. More information will be announced in due course, to register your group's interest in booking, please use the contact form to get in touch
Announcing Panto 2021:Goldilocks and the Three Bears!
Roll up! Roll up! The Circus is in town! This year Preston Musical Comedy Society are presenting their traditional family pantomime with a production of Tom Whalley’s “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”
Dame Gertie Dollop runs the show with her son, Silly Billy but they have fallen on hard times. Particularly with the dastardly Ringmaster Heinkel, owner of the rival circus, up to his old tricks. Dame Gertie needs a miracle after their honeypot of pennies is accidentally stolen by three porridge hungry, talking bears.
We are looking to cast this wonderful show – our first major post lockdown production. So if you want to get back on the boards then this is the chance. There are 12 speaking roles from hero to baddie with a dame, three bears and a lively chorus in the mix. To find out more come to the welcome event as part of our social evening on 19th July starting at 7.30pm. You will get chance to meet the Production Team and get audition details
Find out about the big top pantomime that’s just right!
(subject to Covid-19 regulations)