Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs – Junior Chorus

Performance Splits

Team Apples:
Dress Rehearsal – 5th December
Performances: 8th, 9th – 17:30, 10th – 12:30, 16th 12:30, 17th 17:30, 18th, 20th

Team Mirrors:
Dress Rehearsal – 6th December
Performances: 9th – 12:30, 10th – 17:30, 15th, 16th – 17:30, 17th – 12:30, 19th

Buy Tickets Here

Photo Consent Form

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The Preston Musical Comedy Society (PMCS) requires your consent to use any images, video, or audio of you. Signing this form gives PMCS permission to use your information for use within Show and Society advertising. This includes, but is not limited to, Local/National Press, Society Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, as well as use in printed advertising. Providing your consent means you are happy for your data to be used outside of the European Economic Area.

The personal information you provide is held by PMCS and stored centrally on a computerised system indefinitely. Your image, video and audio, may be passed on to third parties who PMCS will ensure are up to date with current regulation and data protection. This form covers the current event/production as well as future events and productions by the Society.


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